Austria IAEA International Fellowship Programme

  • Master
  • Up to €20,000
  • 11 October 2020

The application cycle has opened for female understudies keen on applying for a grant from the IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) towards their Master’s degrees in atomic science and innovation, atomic wellbeing and security or restraint. The partnership will give grants to up to 100 chose candidates yearly, to help upgrade the pool of qualified young ladies in the atomic field. It additionally means to help a comprehensive workforce of the two people for the future, adding to worldwide logical and mechanical advancement from everywhere the world as decent variety offers chance to more prominent innovativeness and efficiency.

This is a scholarship by

International Atomic Energy Agency

The International Atomic Energy Agency is a global association that tries to advance the tranquil utilization of atomic vitality, and to restrain its utilization for any military reason, including atomic weapons.


The IAEA MSCFP is available to understudies from IAEA Member States who meet the accompanying passage necessities:

•           Female competitors;

•           Accepted by or tried out a certify college in Master’s program.

Inclination will be given to candidates with better than expected scholarly qualifications (75% or above or GPA > 3.0 out of 4.0).

Candidates granted the MSCFP grant will be offered up to €10,000 every year for concealing education cost and to €10,000 for supporting their living costs dependent on the expenses of living at the college’s area, for a limit of a two-year time of study.

Fruitful applicants will likewise be given a chance to seek after an entry level position at the IAEA identifying with their field of study.


The individuals who meet the section necessities are welcome to apply utilizing the IAEA MSCFP online applicationform.

The records required notwithstanding the finished online application structure are:

•           Official confirmation letter into the University Master’s program showing the atomic related field of study or other verification of participation;

•           Confirmation of educational cost;

•           Copy of a substantial visa/ID;

•           Completed Reference Forms sent by email by two refs (download the structure here).

NOTE: All application archives must be submitted in English utilizing the MSCFP online application structure. Fragmented applications won’t be thought of.


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